____ ______ ______ __________________ ________________________ ________________ _____________________________ ____________ ____ HOME|SCALES|CHORDS|CHORD PROGRESSIONS|MUSICAL TERMS DICTIONARY|CIRCLE OF FIFTHS|CHORDTONES + WHOLETONES GUIDE| |v1.3| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE CREATOR | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WELCOME Welcome to musictheoryinfo.com here you can access stuff like information of scales, chords, chord progressions, musical terminology and all such. Regardless depending on your genre you only need a certain amount of music theory knowlege but It doesn't hurt at all to expand your knowledge. this site can hopefully help inspire you and music theory at least for me is super fun music theory is universal and many theories come from different countries and different music theorist even use different terminology from country to country, so keep in mind this will be written from a english standpoint regarding terminology. But in short i think it would be a disservice to yourself to avoid music theory like the plague because for some reason many creators have an assumption that your supposed to be scared of music theory but think of it as all the ideas and suggestions of the musicians and cultures of the world and their beliefs on how to make good music or music that will move you in certain ways regardless i hope you enjoy the site.